Resume Writing

Showcase your professional experience with an expertly Resume Writing.

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Resume Writing FAQs

What should a resume include for a job search?

Generally a professional resume starts with your name and contact details, followed by a summary statement. After that make sure the resume writer also lists keywords that apply to your industry. Follow that with work experience, making sure to list key accomplishments. Only list relevant jobs over the last 10 years. Then add your education, any relevant training or certifications and additional information.

Why do you need a professional resume writing service?

A professionally written resume is your best chance to get the attention of a potential employer during a job interview. Most career experts who are hiring only spend a few seconds looking at a resume. Your resume must stand out and immediately grab the interest of the job search expert, otherwise it could end up in the discard pile if you don't get it right.

Do I need a different resume for every job I apply to?

Ideally, yes. Since each job requires different skills and capabilities, it’s a good idea to adapt your resume depending on the job you’re applying to. For example, if you’re applying for a job in marine biology, your experience in volunteering at the aquarium would be relevant, but if you’re applying for an administrative position, you should highlight your experience as a virtual assistant.

Why do resumes get rejected?

Generally a career expert spends from 5 to 9 seconds reading your resume before making a decision. If your resume gets rejected it's because it doesn't showcase how you match the position you are applying for. Poor formatting, the inclusion of non-essential information or too much information, and grammatical and spelling errors are other typical reasons for rejection. This is where getting help from a professional resume writer makes sense.
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