Social Media Marketing

Boost your Online presence with compelling Social media marketing content.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Management

Paid Social Media

Organic Social Promotions

Profile Setup & Integration

Social Media Marketing (SMM) FAQs

What type of content works best on each social media platform?

The best types of content for each social media channel depends on the platform. Most social media sites allow you to share multiple types of social media content, including blog posts, images, animated GIFs, videos, and more. The research shows that images do well on Facebook, as well as on Instagram and Pinterest. Video content is also very popular.

Why are hashtags are so important in social media marketing?

Hashtags are essential to describe your content as well as to boost the organic reach of your social media campaign. Hashtag use varies according to the social media site. For Facebook, use no more than one hashtag. On Twitter, two hashtags are best for engagement. On Instagram, use a minimum of 9 and up to 30.

How can small business owners grow a social media following?

To successfully grow a social media following, you must make sure to have your social media profile set up right. This means getting a professional photo and cover image that relates to your business. Share content regularly but don’t be too promotional: around 80% of what you share on a social media channel should come from other people. Most importantly, be social, and don't rely too much on automation.

Why do social media influencers matter?

The research shows that most people trust recommendations from social influencers, friends, and family much more than a company’s advertising and promotion. That’s why influencer marketing is such a powerful way to raise awareness of your products and services, and it should be integrated within your social media marketing plan. Of course, it’s important to find the right influencers to help promote your business.
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